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The Crag Business Group believes strongly in working with our clients to meet their specific needs. Contact us today and don't forget to ask about our custom course plans!

There are web-based courses every month for new and annual Administrator & Agency Manager training ~ Call today and join the next class 


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Our New Administrator offerings are all approved by the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment for the Administrator, Agency Manager, and Alternate Administrator/Manager training requirements.

Licensure Rules

Class A 

This course provides the agency Administrator detailed insight on the current licensure rules and provides monitoring tools. The attendee will be able to discuss the areas for the Administrator to be aware of and to monitor, both in the operational and clinical areas. 

Licensure Rules

Class B

This course provides a review of the current state licensure standards and focuses on the Agency Manager’s role to assure all rules are met. The attendee will be able to discuss the state rules, roles of the Agency Manager and compliance measures to implement for a strong agency. 

Administrative Training

Applicable Laws and Regulations 

Current state and federal laws are covered – beyond the licensure rules. The attendee will be able to discuss and implement operations compliant with Colorado Labor Laws, Federal Labor Laws, FMLA, Hazardous Waste and many others. Prepare your agency to be accountable under the wide variety of regulations that impact home health care agencies. 

Occurrence Reporting and Investigations 101 

This course will prepare the attendee to accurately assess reportable occurrences and develop thorough investigative reports – important risk management for both medical and non-medical agencies. 

Quality Management Plan

Build Your Plan 

This course takes attendees through an objective review of their agency Quality Management Plan. Attendees with be able to discuss how required components are active in not only the written plan but also a robust and dynamic Quality Management Program. 

Keys to Survey Success

Class A

This course reviews the licensure rules in light of preparation for the agency’s next survey. Monitoring of both operational and clinical aspects are covered with a focus on Quality Management.. The attendee will be able to discuss practical methods to prepare for a survey – to be truly ready all the time for a surveyor visit. 

Keys to Survey Success

Class B

This course reviews the licensure rules in light of preparation for the agency’s next survey. Monitoring of both operational and direct care aspects are covered with a focus on Quality Management. The attendee will be able to discuss practical methods to prepare for a survey – to be truly ready all the time for a surveyor visit. 

The Power of Positive Supervision

Class B

Attendees will learn to provide effective supervision. The elements of personal style, communication and a variety of follow up methods are presented. 

Staff Training

Engage Your Brain, Engage Others 

This course will provide attendees with the tools to develop a variety of staff training – models will be presented. The attendee will be able to discuss options to the traditional classroom model and ways to increase staff retention of information presented.

Class A Considerations for Special Populations 

Preparation of the medical agency to meet the needs of special consumer populations. Review of Administrator’s considerations and responsibilities when the agency provides care for those diagnosed with cardiac, respiratory, diabetes, developmental delay or dementia. Course will cover staff training, service and supervisory considerations. 

Class B Considerations for Special Populations 

Preparation of the medical agency to meet the needs of special consumer populations. Review of Administrator’s considerations and responsibilities when the agency provides care for those diagnosed with cardiac, respiratory, diabetes, developmental delay or dementia. Course will cover staff training, service and supervisory considerations. 

Behavior Management


Non-compliance is an issue that affects both medical and non-medical agencies. This course will cover definition, some agency based causes and the impact of the non-compliant patient. The operational and potential survey impacts and means to manage non-compliance will be discussed. Attendees will be able to discuss both the impacts and the management of non-compliance.

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Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

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