The Crag Business Group is pleased to provide support to home health agencies and health care organizations by offering a retainer program.
The Crag retainer program is designed to provide a consultant who knows your agency and is readily available to assist with policy review/revision, telephonic support during survey, or to answer general questions.
Retainer Program Consultant on Stand-By
Should you need consulting or training services in the future, remember that our current retainer clients will receive automatic discounts on training/consulting.
12 Month Program – Paid Annually $2,400
$200.00 per Month: Up to 3 hours work/month
Month to Month - Paid Monthly $3,240
$270.00 per Month: Up to 3 hours work /month
Monthly payments are due by the 1st of each month.
Hours are calculated as follows:
Policy Development: 2 hour
Form Development: 1 hour
Telephonic Support, including survey support: Time on call rounded up to nearest quarter hour
Office Based Research: Actual time rounded up to nearest half hour
Work exceeding retainer coverage will be billed at a discounted rate
Retainer does not cover training sessions
Home Health
Private Duty
Adult Day Care
Growth Planning
CMS Certification Preparation
Human Resources
Due Diligence Review
Risk Management
Preparing for Sale